An interactive map of people’s opinions about policing and the new mayor in New York City. From a series of interviews conducted in south Brooklyn by students at the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism.
Website for Library Manifesto
Forest Explorer Prototype
Developed interaction design and game play concepts. Visitors explore a diorama and learn about poison’s role in an ecosystem through an augmented reality game.
iPad application for Creatures of Light
Edited images and animations for use in the Creatures of Light iPad app. Configured and installed iPads for gallery kiosk use.
Coral Reef Wall Interactive for Creatures of Light Traveling Exhibit
Ordered and tracked inventory and expenses for computers, projectors, cables, and extenders for museum installation. Configured and updated Coral Reef Wall app software during installation. Edited images for use in the Coral Reef Wall app.
Kickstarter Campaign for the Documentary “Musicwood”
Wrote copy for promotional materials. Developed relationships with press and partner organizations. Wrote press releases. Created media schedule for campaign. Developed social media relationships to promote the Kickstarter campaign and familiarize and excite people about the film. Increased the profile of the film and exceeded fundraising goal by $5,000.00.
WordPress Website for the Documentary “Musicwood”
Customized WordPress theme using HTML, CSS, and PHP. Added Twitter and Facebook widgets. Developed site architecture and organization.
Production Assistant on Short “Parklife”
Production Assistant on short “A Minor Revelation”
Interview and editing on Joyce Rezendes Video Artist Profile
I interviewed the artist Joyce Rezendes and shot her studio and apartment using a Flip camera. The video is a simple montage with audio quotes from Joyce.
Shot and Edited Web Video for Darmstadt Essential Repertoire festival
I made this first piece with footage from the Darmstadt Essential Repertoire festival. I operated one camera during filming. I conformed all of the footage formats to edit together in Final Cut Pro.
My goal was to make a non-didactic piece with some sense of rhythm while also showing all of the different performers that participated. I collaborated with another editor for the first part of post and completed the piece myself. I color corrected the footage so that the cameras would match as much as possible.